We are proud to announce that U Host now finally accepts SMTP TLS connections on 465 and STARTTLS connections on ports 25 and 587 for, IMAP TLS on 993 and STARTTLS on 143 and POP3 TLS on 995 and STARTTLS on 110
Each connection is secured using a free certificate made available by https://letsencrypt.org/
Each domain will use it’s own certificate based on the hostname used to connect. The failover is to use the default certificate as mail.u-host.co.za
In the fight against spam, we now also support SPF and DKIM checks on inbound mail, together with our current blacklist, greylist implementation. How the current implementation works is that if a mail fails both its blacklist and spf checks the mail is accepted but goes into a frozen state. A new mail is then drafted to the original recipient with some info about the mail. Currently the recipient should mail me should they wish the mail to be released.
In the next week or so I plan to implement email contents scanning for incoming email as well as outgoing DKIM signatures.